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Hey all,
If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you probably would've seen a sneaky little teaser of me using this product. 
I've been playing around with it ever since. So here is my review.

The product comes in 3 different sizes and shapes. You kind of need to play around with all 3 until you can figure out which one is best for you.

 I actually use two of the three to get the perfect pout. Like I said, play around with them first, you might find that only one works for you, or like myself who uses two. Do remember not to over do it as they will leave a marking around the lip area, which can sometimes look like a mustache lol I am speaking from experience!!

For me, this product is fabulous. I wrote a blog post a little while ago regarding Lip plumping, I was very close to booking lip injections  jus before I got married but chose not to. 
This is a temporary lip enhancement which is completely controlled by you.
Again, you will have to play around with them to figure out what' best for you. Some use water around the mouth and then begin to use the tool. I prefer to keep my lips dry.
All you do it SUCK, it's up to you if you want to suck the upper and bottom lip at the same time or do them individually. I prefer to suck my upper lip in for 20 seconds, stop, 20 seconds, stop and repeat until they are plump and then start on the bottom.
Just be careful not to suck for long periods of time. 
Do it slowly, 20 seconds, stop, 20 seconds, stop. This is the best way for me, but like I said, your way might be completely different.

So this is my BEFORE.. 
As you can see, my lips have a wrinkle to them and are very un-level at the top.

AFTER 60 seconds of use.. It was very apparent that my lips were plumper compared to the first photo (apologies for bad lighting!)
My top lip looked level and the wrinkly parts had disappeared. Bare in mind, my lips can plump up even more, but I prefer the natural pout look. 
If you are after a very "Kylie Jenner" full lip.. you just carry on sucking and you'll get there.

I think this product is great if you're after a temporary solution. I will carry on using these as the whole process is completely in my control. 
One thing about lip injections is THAT awful trout pout you can get if they've injected too much into them. I couldn't deal with having one of those..NO WAY! You can do what I've done and made them look pretty natural or you can carry on making them bigger.

This product will also save me a lot of money.
This much of a pout is good enough for me. A great product, FULLIPS!

Keep an eye out as 2 lucky readers will have a chance to win themselves a bag of goodies from the lovely people at FULLIPS.
These are available to buy on ebay & yes! they ship to the UK!!!! 

If you need any assistance with using one of these lip enhancers, the official website has some great tips!

Happy Pouting, beauts!
Lotsa love Leesh of UnLeeshd x x x

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