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Leibster Award - Thank You

Thank you to Kay & Nigar for awarding me with a Leibster award. I love these girls, your blog is fab girlies!

I remember receiving one when I first started blogging, however I never got round to actually doing a post. So here it is..

1. Thank the blogger who tagged you.
2. Answer all 11 questions asked by blogger.
3. Nominate 11 bloggers with less than 500 followers.
4. Ask those bloggers 11 random questions.
5. Let those bloggers know they've been tagged.

Nigar & Kays Questions.
1. Favourite Book?
I have a few, but as a teen I read a book called Rani & Sukh a good 5 times by Bali Rai. I'm also pretty in love with Nicholas Sparks books too! Oh & I'm a sucker for Shakespeare lol I really am a geek.

2. Most read Book and/or series?
Harry Potter, probably lol I'm a Harry Potter geek & proud!

3. Favourite Love Song?
How do I choose? Honestly, though. English, I love John Legend's " All of Me" Hindi song would still have to be " Tum Hi Ho" 

4. You wake up and your hair randomly become greasy overnight, but you don't have time to wash it. What do you do?
I BATISTE the Shiz out of it haha

5. When was the last time you showered? 
Two minutes ago.. feeling fresh :D

6. Weirdest Food Combination?
I am the same as my girl, Nigar.. It's all about, 
Mcd's fries, dipped in Banana Milkshake.. don't judge! Try it & get back to me!!

7. You're allowed to use one makeup item on your face, what is it? 
I cannot live without.. GEL LINER!

8. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi & Coke?
YES. although, I'm not one for fizzy drinks.. boring Leesh, I know!

9. Describe your perfect burger
It must include Cheese & BACON! So HEALTHY!

10. What are you currently wearing? 
Jeggings & an England shirt.. pure comfort, pure patriotic!

11. Favourite person, and why
I'll be nice & romantic and say, my soon to be husband, Vim! :)

1. When was the last time you visited the dentist?
2. Favourite beauty product?
3. Pizza or Kebab?
4. What is your first thought when thinking of the word 'LOVE?'
5. Favourite song?
6. Favourite blog?
7. What is your favourite childhood movie?
8. Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter?
9. Village Life or City Life?
10. You're stranded on a desert island, what two things do you wish you had with you?
11. Favourite person & why?
So there you are dolls! I'm going to tag you all! Break the rules a little hehe
Lotsa love Leesh of UnLeeshd x x x


  1. Harry Potter? HIGH FIVE!
    Me and Kay love them. We even have matching Hogwarts tops that Primark was selling a while ago.

    And Batiste allllll the wayy! Best dry shampoo by far!

    Gonna give your answers a go as well! :D

    1. When was the last time you visited the dentist?
    Two years ago, I had an infection in my wisdom teeth area and they took them out for me. So much relief!

    2. Favourite beauty product?
    Concealer!!!!!!!! and then something to fill my brows in.

    3. Pizza or Kebab?

    4. What is your first thought when thinking of the word 'LOVE?'
    Family. (so cheeeeeesy.)

    5. Favourite song?
    Ang Laga De - RamLeela

    6. Favourite blog?
    Purely because her humour tickles me to no bounds.

    7. What is your favourite childhood movie?
    Lion King, Bedknobs and Broomsticks .. TBH any Pre-2000's Disney Movie.

    8. Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter?
    Summer, I hate the cold.

    9. Village Life or City Life?
    City Life. I need street lights!

    10. You're stranded on a desert island, what two things do you wish you had with you?
    Camera for Island selfies and a pillow.

    11. Favourite person & why?
    My bunny! All he wants is food but he cheers me up no matter what.


  2. Love love love Harry Potter. Must have read the books over 100 times. And tum hi ho is one of my favs too. The hubby was so singing all of me the other day and I hadn't heard it before and I was like err did you make that song up..
    Man that pizza or kebab question is a killer one. I can't choose. Both my favourites. Under gunpoint I'd choose kebabs :D
