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Hi there, Detox.

Admittedly, my overall health is absolutely fine.
My diet always contains Fruit & Veg as and when it can. However, the colder months have resulted in me staying indoors and not being as active as I used to be.
Instead, I've snuggled up most evenings after work, snacking away with my feet up.
It's the season of indulgence so I don't feel too guilty.
I just hate that my body doesn't feel as healthy as it did before.
So i've started a slight Detox today.
By slight.. I'm drinking some healthy tea and juices but eating normal meals. Most people when doing a detox usually only eat and drink Fruit & Veg for a few days but I'm not in need of an intense detox.

I've started the detox off today by drinking Lemon tea.. (Slice of lemon in some hot water! EASY PEASY..LEMON SQUEEZY ;-) )

Health Benefits:
  • Great for your immune system
  • Great for weight loss.. Gets rid of those naughty food cravings.
  • Helps with any digestion problems
  • Cleanses your insides, gets rid of any bad toxins and waste in your body
  • Is known to make your skin look clearer.
A simple tea like this has ALL of these health benefits! I'm excited to start cleansing. There's something so therapeutic about knowing you're ridding your body of all those bad toxins.

Green Monsters!
I've been drinking Green monsters now and again. I was introduced to these by Roshni of
I enjoy healthy drinks and snacks, Usually people look at green drinks and say "URGHHHHH.. What is that?" "How can you drink that?" Whereas, I see a healthy drink or snack and am always intrigued to know if they taste nice or not.

Ingredients vary but I use:
1 Banana
1 cup of raw spinach
1 tsp Wheatgrass powder (You can purchase this from all good health food stores)
1 cup of Milk

You pop it all into a blender and TA-DA..

Wheatgrass powder - Cleanses your body, helps build your immune system up.
Banana's - Great for your energy levels, potassium and also keeps you fuller for longer.
Spinach - Full of Vitamins & Antioxidants.

If you don't like Bananas for example, go onto the main website and find a smoothie more ideal for you.

I won't blog until the New Year now so I just want to thank you for all the support and feedback this year.
Here's to 2013! Hoping to make UnLeeshd much bigger and better for you all!
Lotsa Love & Well Wishes.. Leesh of UnLeeshd x x x

1 comment:

  1. i'm going to start to detox too! i bought the Nutribullet and a ton of fruits and veggies. i did the green monster thing once per day last spring for a little over a skin, hair, everything looked so much more amazing! happy new year!
