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Got that Friday Feelin'.. *EOTD*

Happy Good Friday Everyone :)  I love wearing bright eyeshadows when the Sun's out, minimal eyeliner, lots of colour!! Here's what i'm rockin' today!

For this look, I used;
The last Blue, on the top right. Beauty UK palette.

Urban Decay Palette Fishnet, Honey & Peace x (I've had it a little while lol as you can tell)

It is so quick & easy to do:
  1. I started off with Fishnet, then blended in Peace toward the outer eye.
  2. I then used a small eyeshadow brush and added a little 'Honey' to the inner corners of the eye.
  3. To finish off I used the Blue from my Beauty UK palette to line the bottom of my eye. Coated the lashes with a little mascara and lightly lined the top eye liner with a little Black eyeliner. Voila! ;)

Enjoy the bank holiday lovelies.
Lotsa love Leesh of UnLeeshd x x x


  1. Aww it's gorgeous! I love PURPLE! It's not OTT and you can get away with it to work xx

  2. it looks v pretty! I need another beautyUK pallette you just reminded me I had one a few years ago and loved it xx

  3. love your eye makeup
    & happy easter

    --kisses ♥

  4. Thank you darling :) Happy Easter to you too! x x

  5. Gorgeus look. The colours are very pretty
