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Tell me about it.. Stud!

     I totally forgot to share my birthday treat with you. A few of you have already seen them on Instagram. I treated myself to Sam Edelman studded shoes.
I'm so very in love with them, I love to buy shoes I can't walk in (Ha!) If they look good, they're totally worth the pain!
They arrived on my birthday too which was the highlight of my whole weekend. Excited to wear them out :)

Lotsa love Leesh of UnLeeshd x x x


  1. omg they are so beautiful! I want a pair =(

    Happy birthday xx

  2. These shoes are perfect! I want them too!

    Sandra from The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

  3. I am exactly the same, i have a pair of crystal boutique shoes which kill me just practicing to walk in lol so i feel your pain and I've seen another pair i want haha! Xx glad it made your birthday though babe xx

  4. Love the name of this post! And obvo the shoes are bloody gorge as well!
