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Stress. What Stress?

Hey you lovely lot! I feel as though its been weeks since I last blogged, its only been TWO days hehe. Anyways, I know at some point in all of our lives we've been stressed or feeling down.
 I'm job searching at the moment, and this process can be so slow and stressful but I make sure i stay positive. I know a lot of people are in my shoes or stressed for various other reasons.

So, here are by Top 5 tips on stress relief.. I hope they help x x

1. Surround yourself with the ones you love so much. 
For me, this would be my amazing Family & Friends. They always make me laugh , listen and support me when I need them.

2. Take time out to relax.
Whether that's taking time out to read a book,  pampering yourself, or going for a little walk, Take time out.

3. Exercise. 
The amount of times i've hit the Gym when being stressed. It so helps. It's a known fact that exercise helps to reduce stress. While you're getting rid of stress, you're getting fit too, hehe win/win situation.

4. Say 'No!' to Negativity. 
Be more positive in life, remember 'Like attracts Like.' Be Positive, attract Positive. Always look at the glass as being half full.

5. Smile. Its as simple as that.

Lotsa love Leesh of UnLeeshd x x x